Answers to some frequently asked questions about amphibian and reptile hibernation.

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What makes amphibians go into hibernation?

Do all amphibians hibernate?

Is my frog dead or hibernating?

Do toads die in the winter?

How long can frogs stay underwater when they hibernate?

Where do amphibians go when it gets cold?

Do reptiles hibernate?

What triggers hibernation in reptiles?

How can I help make my garden more welcoming for hibernating reptiles and amphibians?


What makes amphibians go into hibernation?

British amphibians cannot tolerate exposure to extremely cold weather, and so they take shelter over the winter. British amphibians hibernate between around November to February. As overnight temperatures start to drop, their metabolism slows down before they enter a largely dormant stage.

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Do all amphibians hibernate?

All British species of amphibian hibernate, but not all individuals will, and hibernating amphibians may interrupt their hibernation. Hibernating amphibians will sometimes move around in their hibernation area, or even emerge and become active above ground for short periods if the weather warms, before re-entering hibernation. This is especially the case in recent mild winters. In fact, newts appear simply to enter a period of low activity – rather than hibernation – in some ponds in Britain.

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Is my frog dead or hibernating?

If you encounter a frog that is inactive between November to February, for example uncovering when gardening, it might simply be hibernating. You can tell if it is alive by looking at the throat – the throat of a live frog will show regular but subtle in and out movements as it breathes.

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Do toads die in the winter?

Some older or sick toads may not survive hibernation, as with other species of amphibian, but many will survive to emerge in spring.

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How long can frogs stay underwater when they hibernate?

This depends largely on the oxygen content of the water. In cold conditions and with good water quality, common frogs can stay submerged for several months. Only a minority of common frogs hibernate in ponds at most locations – most will hibernate on land.

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Where do amphibians go when it gets cold?

British amphibians will seek out particular areas to hibernate – they must remain frost-free and free from flood risk. In gardens, they may dig themselves into loose soil, hide away in a compost heap or a rockery, or find refuge underneath a pond liner, garden shed or decking, or even in the cellar of a building. A minority of amphibians will overwinter in ponds.

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Do reptiles hibernate?

Yes, all British reptiles hibernate.

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What triggers hibernation in reptiles?

Declining daytime and overnight temperatures, and declining daylight hours, can trigger hibernation in reptiles. Typically, British reptiles enter hibernation in October, but there is a lot of variation locally and according to species.

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How can I help make my garden more welcoming for hibernating reptiles and amphibians?

You can create habitat features with the right characteristics. These need to be located in areas that do not flood, robust enough in structure that they are frost free, and (for reptiles) ideally in areas that receive some sun in spring. They should also be left undisturbed throughout the winter. Some features in your garden might already provide the right conditions – compost heaps, rockeries and building foundations are often used. Alternatively you can simply build by creating a pile from inert materials (e.g. rocks, logs, wood chip, rubble, soil). Ensure there are some spaces where animals can enter and take refuge, so don’t compact the structure too much. Find more tips on how to make your garden more amphibian and reptile friendly in our "Dragons in your Garden" leaflet.

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