Is the smooth snake having a rough time…? Help us to conserve Britain’s rarest reptile! Read more
Sand lizards require special sand dune and heathland habitats - but these have undergone serious changes in recent years. Help us to conserve these beautiful reptiles. Read more
Thanks to ARC the pool frog is back in the UK. Help our rarest amphibian thrive once again. Read more
Help safeguard the future of adders in the UK, where they are declining due to persecution and habitat loss. Read more
ARC is dedicated to the conservation of amphibian and reptile species and the habitats on which they depend. Our vision is for a world where amphibians and reptiles can thrive in their natural habitats and society is inspired and committed to their conservation.
We can only achieve our mission with your help, and by making a donation to a species you feel passionate about protecting, you can help make our native species thrive.
Help safeguard the future of natterjack toads in the UK, where they are threatened by habitat loss. Read more
Make a donation to help support our important work Read more
At St. Matthew's CE School in Blackmoor, Key Stage One have been learning all about The Natterjack Toad.
Reptiles and amphibians in the UK are in decline and they need protecting, the habitats maintained and protected by ARC also support a wide variety of other native species.